The Financial Argument for Investing in H-1B Visa Legal Expertise

“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur.”

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Bringing talent from other countries is vital to the U.S. economy, not least for key sectors such as technology, medicine and education. If the same is true for your business, what is the best approach?

We believe it makes most sense to invest in the best immigration legal services. There are really just two factors you need to consider.

1. Up-front Fees vs. Success Rate

The first main factor is the relative cost of legal services compared to the likelihood of success. The fact is, the gap between the highest- and poorest-performing service providers is massive.

In the 2018 H-1B season, leaving aside the lottery factor, OnlineVisas’ attorneys achieved a 95% approval rate for H-1B petitions, whereas the national average was only 59%. That’s an increase of performance of 61%. Also note, the 59% quoted success rate is the average: which means that many immigration lawyers would have achieved an even lower rate.

However, in the 2021 H-1B season, we were able to achieve a flawless ONE HUNDRED PERCENT H-1B approval rate for all our clients!

OnlineVisas’ attorneys got 61% more H-1Bs approved than the average last year.

That means that, taking only success rate into account, even at face value you are likely to be better off by going with the best immigration attorneys compared to a lower performer, unless the cheap attorney’s up-front fees are at least 60% lower than the top-performers.

There is no mystery behind OnlineVisas’ year-on-year success:

  • We take time to explore and discover the right strategy with each client.
  • We go to greater lengths to produce every required document and to ensure they are compliant with the latest legislation, removing every barrier that could conceivably result in a denial.
  • We ensure that job descriptions and pay are completely in line with the latest guidance – tackling one of the most common and frustrating denial reasons!
  • And we produce extensive and professional-looking legal briefs to accompany every case we submit, proving to USCIS why they must approve the petition.

This factor is likely to become even more significant as USCIS continue to squeeze H-1B approvals, as discussed in our article: “H-1B Denials Hit All-Time High” (November 2019).

But of course, that is only a small part of the picture.

2. Long-term Opportunity Costs

The second factor is the long-term, downstream impact on the bottom line of failing to hire the right people that your business needs in order to operate most profitably. We obviously cannot comment on what those costs are likely to be for your business, but it is very likely they will render the initial costs of the H-1B petition irrelevant.

The bottom line is, there is an overwhelming business argument in favor of maximizing your chances of H-1B petition success.

If you agree, we’d love to chat with you about how we can help assure your ongoing growth and success through the H-1B visa program.

On the other hand, if keeping every cost to the minimum is more important to you at this time that is your tactical choice to make and we wish you every luck in your endeavors!