November 10, 2021

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The regulation defines the term “qualified investor” to include an organization that is located in the United States and operates through a legal entity organized under the laws of the United States or any state that is majority-owned and controlled, directly and indirectly, by U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents (LPRs).  While USCIS does not require the applicant to establish that at least 50% of the capital contributed to the fund is sourced from U.S. citizens or LPRs, the applicant must nevertheless show that the fund is majority owned, directly and indirectly, by U.S. citizens or LPRs (which often corresponds with the amount of capital contributed).

About the author 

Jon Velie

About the author: Jon Velie has practiced immigration law since 1993. He is CEO of, the Intelligent Immigration Platform. Jon is an Amazon number one best-selling author of H-1B Visa: Application & Approval that is regularly covered by major media and has won a number of international awards. Jon can be contacted at or 405-310-4333 office.

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